the week that was and is - august 26th, 2009
The 26th of August and I've started to harvest carrots. My red bell pepper plant finally has one fruit, something my tabasco pepper plant still hasn't accomplished, and after 3 harvests of my lettuce plants, I think they are done!
- Agriculture Minister John MacDonell is challenging Nova Scotians to eat only locally produced food on September, 4. "He will be joined by his Atlantic counterparts, Ronald Ouellette of New Brunswick, George Webster of Prince Edward Island and Kathy Dunderdale of Newfoundland and Labrador, who have all pledged to eat only food from the Atlantic region that day."
- I always thought it was meat-on-a-stick, but these days everything is on a stick.
- A vegetarian, and tofu loving, Florida resident applies for but fails to get a vanity plate.
- What do Corn sweetener, Corn syrup, High-fructose corn syrup, Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Lactose, Maltose, Sucrose, Honey, Sugar, Brown sugar,Invert sugar, Molasses, Malt syrup have in common. That's right, all of them are sugars added to your goodies. It seems harder and harder to find out how much sugar is in your foods these days.
- Even though I eat a lot of apples (2 to 3 a day), I was unaware that Honey Crisp is the reigning champ of taste. They are a delicious apple, but I'm looking forward to tasting the SweeTango; something many believe is now the best apple in the world.
- If you missed Anthony Bourdain last week in Thailand, his blog update about Thailand is still a great read. The Montana episode this week was touching, in a different way, and seemed like more of a travel diary. I look forward to my next trip south and the Murray Bar.
- Adam Richman (Man v. Food) was challenged to 10 increasingly spicy tuna cones in Charleston, South Carolina. As a big fan of spicy things and sushi, I think I could accomplish this task...who wants to hit up SC?
- A little snippet about Andrew Zimmern's new show, Bizarre World, starting on September 1st.
- Speaking of Andrew, Adam, and Anthony. A recent list of the top 10 food shows NOT about cooking includes all three. They list Chef Vs City (spot 9), a show I haven't watched yet, but it's getting ripped apart over on Chowhound.
- Best random picture of the week. (via evilmilk)

And guess where is Anthony Bourdain right now? Panama! In his blog, he mentions he was in Darien Gap (a place I would have never gone) and tried local fried food. I hope the show he will make out of it will be a good one!
Thanks for the press Chris. :P
Lucky that your pepper plant is producing. My peppers and tomatoes are in bad bad shape given the number of near freezes through May and June :-(
Kim, I can't wait to see it. It will be nice to hear your thoughts afterwards.
NP Sarah.
I hear ya Court. I think we've had the worst luck in Edmonton this year..and to think it was my first ever crack at gardening.
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