the week that was and is - september 9th, 2009
Wow, to think it's September already and the kiddies are running around in the playgrounds again. Drive Safe!
- You can score a free hash brown tomorrow from 5AM to 11AM, at your local Tim Hortons, with the purchase of a breakfast sandwich. I don't know if it's worth it to go out of your way, but if you are a regular it might be a nice bonus.
- Apparently Liane Faulder is taking aim at the morning crew over at Bounce 91.7 FM. Who would have thought, the 'guest celebrity' chefs would get up-in-arms about defending their burger. If it tastes good, it tastes good. That's all that matters, right? And comparing overall sales doesn't work in my mind, as I'm pretty sure the Edmonton Journal and the Bounce don't exactly share the same market. Although I suppose Liane's post could be in good fun.
- A recent twitter update from the crew at foodosophy mentioned that Betsy's Boerwors is up for sale. I've only stopped in twice, but the family run operation put out great products and I hope it continues in someway.
- Last year at the Big Tex Choice Awards, Chicken Fried Bacon and a Fried Banana Split took the big prizes, this years new creations - Deep Fried Butter, Twisted Yam on a Stick, Deep Fried Peaches & Cream, Texas Fried Pecan Pie, Fried Peanut Butter Macaroon, Sweet Jalapeno Corn Dog Shrimp and Country Fried Pork Chips.
- My first thought when I came across the above point was, DEEP FRIED BUTTER! Who thinks of that? Well, I guess it shouldn't surprise me that Paula Deen has a recipe on Food Network for Deep Fried Butter Balls.
- Anthony Bourdain was making his way around the Outer Boroughs of New York this week. As someone who's never been (I was 70km away once) this episode does a fantastic job of inspiring a trip. I think it also shows how we forget the gems located in and around our city and take what we have for granted; be it certain restaurants, a lake, proximity to a ski hill, etc...
- I've heard a lot of hype coming from my television lately regarding Schneiders new Angus Beef Wieners, so we bought into it and picked two packs up for the homestead BBQ. The advertisements claim, if I recall correctly, that this is the best all beef wiener around. So was be honest, it didn't taste any different than other all beef wieners. And with 20g of fat (45% DI) and 230 calories in each wiener, going for that second one is dangerous.
- I hit up Sonic 102.9's Sonic Boom this past Saturday. It's been a long time since we had a 'music festival' worth going too, and this didn't disappoint. My only peeve would be the venue. More specifically, the ground..there is nothing good about standing around on pavement all day in toasty weather.
P.S. How are everyone's vegetable gardens? Has all that summer effort been rewarded?
I met Kerstin of Kerstin's chocolates this morning. I bought her an Americano Misto because she forgot her wallet. As a result, she invited me for a chocolate tasting! Woot! I think you should come with me.
Sounds like a chocolate good time Sarah.
Did you see Girl Talk at Sonic Boom? So much fun when we saw him in Seattle last summer.
Did I ever Jamoo. My favorite performance of the day bar none. I danced around in awe. Fantastic!
My Hubby has always maintained that the fattest thing anyone could eat would be deep fried bacon wrapped butter. Not surprisingly, I've never been up for the challenge of creating it.
Deep fried bacon would probably be sooo good. A little rich maybe and surely good for the mind..just not the body ;)
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