Thursday, September 10, 2009

llama meat extravanganza

With no out-of-the-ordinary meat options at the homestead, a much over due visit to Buffalo Valley Variety Meats was just what the meat doctor ordered. Having previously picked up and cooked just about every meat product Blaine has to offer, I thought llama would cure my hankering for something different.

Figuring I would need enough llama to sample the meat in a few ways, I ended up buying 2 pounds. Right out of the package you pick up on the deep red look that I find so common in all lean, high protein game meat. And seeing as I was standing around with a handful of meat, I fired up the BBQ for a few llama burgers.

Which of course were eaten, and dwarfed, by a recent bread baker's apprentice prize..the kaiser roll. Oh how I love melty provolone!

Feeling the need for a quick protein snack the next afternoon, I browned off half a pound of the llama with mushrooms, yellow zucchini, yellow peppers and some curry spice.

Finally, with the last of my quickly shrinking stash, a pasta dish. Very simple; I added a can of whole tomatoes, caramelized onions, garlic, and a dash of Italian seasoning to the llama before finishing with yellow zucchini ribbons at the end.

So how's my relationship with llama. Good! A delicious and healthy meat that hints at a slightly non-beef taste. It's so subtle that your friends, relatives, and/or fellow diners would probably have a hard time picking it up. With so many choices in the meat market these days, why not step outside of Mooville and dine on the unknown.


Kevin Kossowan said...

That's one I have not tried. If you want to do some out-of-the-ordinary meat adventures, you and my freezer would get along.

Chris said...

Always the gentleman Kevin. I think sometimes after reading what you're up to, my meat cravings would die and go to heaven at your place!

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